Join us sundays 10 AM


Golden Agers is a fellowship for retirees, providing companionship, prayer, encouragement and bible study.

When: Wednesdays fortnightly at the GBC church building during the school term

Where: 2378 Albany Hwy, Gosnells

Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm

What: We have a time to study the Word of God, sing and pray, finishing with a light lunch

For more Information Contact David Shalley

9398 7717 or 0437 704 219


Monthly Sing-a-longs are a great time of praise a worship with different people around the Perth region.

When: The First Saturday of each month

Where: 2378 Albany Hwy, Gosnells

Time: 7:00pm

For more information, contact Roy & Jenny on 9459 9884